Anna Howard
Games Computing Graduate & Programmer/Game Developer
These games were developed in OpenGL, one in 2D and one in 3D. Controls and gameplay are largely the same across both games, with the 3D version including more graphical features. Players can move forwards and backwards with the vertical arrow keys and rotate their orientation with the horizontal arrow keys. The player can fire a projectile to destroy the bubbles. The player only has one projectile and has to catch it again to be able to fire it. If a bubble hits the player they lose a life, which are displayed in the bottom left. Pressing spacebar will also teleport the player to a random location within the boundaries. The bubbles move around and bounce off of the boundary walls.
Programming in OpenGL's pipeline took some getting used to. In particular it's buffer system and setting up OpenGL's pipeline in the correct order caused some difficulty.
There were also issues encountered with the skybox. Initially the skybox vertices were being read incorrectly in addition to the texture rendering as RGB lines, which was caused by file format issues.
Aside from these issues development of both games went smoothly with only minor issues.
Looking back, with the experience gained from the development of these projects, a future OpenGL project could make use of more complex game mechanics. The simple gameplay in Bubbloids helped keep the focus of these games on learning to use OpenGL and in this manner served their purpose well.
Both the 2D and 3D versions include a number of graphical and technical features in OpenGL. These features include:
-Window resizing whilst maintaining aspect ratio
-Fullscreen toggle
-Custom textures with transparency
-3D skybox
-Multiple light sources
-Dynamic lighting
-Vertex and fragment shaders which are passed variables
-Shaders use variable data to manipulate object textures and geometry
Fractal Bubbloids
Games Developed in OpenGL